Invest In Gold Shares

When investing in gold you need to consider if you want to invest in real physical gold or invest in gold shares. These gold shares we call "gold Exchange Traded Funds", also known as gold ETF's. These shares are basically the same sort of shares you can buy in the stock market. The only difference is that they do not link to only one company, but either to several companies or to the market gold price.

Gold Price Shares or Gold Stock Shares

As described above, there are 2 types of gold shares you can invest in. These are Gold Price ETF's or Gold Stock ETF's. A Gold Price ETF share is linked directly to the gold market price of the day. A Gold Stock ETF share is linked to a conglomerate of companies which are in the gold industry.
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For more information on this subject you can visit our What Is A Gold ETF page.

How To Invest in Gold Shares

You can invest in gold shares by investing in an ETF as described above. To do this you need to make an account with an online broker and invest in the shares of your choice. On our how to invest in a gold ETF page is more information on investing in gold shares.

Why Invest in Gold Shares?

The biggest reasons to invest in gold stock exchange shares is because it's the easiest and safest way of investing in gold. Learn more about this on our Why Invest In a Gold ETF page.


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